The Measurement and Mismeasurement of Trustworthy ML

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - 12:00pm to 12:55pm

Event Calendar Category


Speaker Name

Sanmi Koyejo


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Across healthcare, science, and engineering, we increasingly employ machine learning (ML) to automate decision-making that, in turn, affects our lives in profound ways. However, ML can fail, with significant and long-lasting consequences. Reliably measuring such failures is the first step towards building robust and trustworthy learning machines. Consider algorithmic fairness, where widely-deployed fairness metrics can exacerbate group disparities and result in discriminatory outcomes. Moreover, existing metrics are often incompatible. Hence, selecting fairness metrics is an open problem. Measurement is also crucial for robustness, particularly in federated learning with error-prone devices. Here, once again, models constructed using well-accepted robustness metrics can fail. Across ML applications, the dire consequences of mismeasurement are a recurring theme. This talk will outline emerging strategies for addressing the measurement gap in ML and how this impacts trustworthiness.



Sanmi Koyejo an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Koyejo's research interests are in developing the principles and practice of trustworthy machine learning. Additionally, Koyejo focuses on applications to neuroscience and healthcare. Koyejo has been the recipient of several awards, including a best paper award from the conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence (UAI), a Kavli Fellowship, an IJCAI early career spotlight, and a trainee award from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Koyejo serves on the board of the Black in AI organization.