LIDS Autonomy Tea Talk

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 4:00pm

Event Calendar Category

Other LIDS Events

Speaker Name

Maximilian Stolzle


LIDS, TU Delft

Building and Room number


Building and Room Number

LIDS Lounge

"Integrating Physical Structure and Stability Guarantees into the Learning of Robot Models & Motion Policies"

We strive towards a future where robots and humans can collaborate in close proximity to each other. Currently, there is a strong community push towards learning both robot models and motion policies that enable the autonomous completion of complex tasks. However, most of these approaches lack interpretability, physical structure and stability guarantees. This is problematic as unpredictable robot behavior poses safety concerns, which counteracts our vision of humans and robots closely collaborating. In this talk, I will present two approaches that allow the integration of physical structure and stability guarantees into the learning of robot dynamics and motion policies, respectively.

Maximilian Stölzle is a fourth-year PhD candidate at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, working with Dr. Cosimo Della Santina on modeling and control for continuum soft robots. He is currently visiting the Zardini Lab to work on the co-design of soft robots. Previously in the summer, he visited the DRL at CSAIL for two months to work on learning stable motion primitives for locomotion and manipulation in robotics. He received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. degree with distinction in Mechanical Engineering in 2019 and 2021, respectively, both from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland. Previously, he visited the Planetary Robotics Lab at the European Space Agency, where he worked on using self-supervised learning to remove occlusions in terrain maps. His research interests center around developing minimalistic models and control strategies (both model-based and data-driven) for soft robots. Maximilian has received several awards and scholarships for his research, such as the Best Paper Award at RoboSoft 2024, a finalist for the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Europe 2024, a poster award at the RoboSoft 2023 workshop on Reduced-Order Modelling for Soft Robots, and the Dutch Cultuurfonds Wetenschapsbeurzen 2024 supporting his six-month research stay at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

About Autonomy Tea Talks:
Tea talks are 20-minute-long informal talks for the purpose of sharing ideas and making others aware about some of the topics that may be of interest to the autonomy audience at MIT.
The session is followed by light refreshments.
If you would like to present at the Autonomy Tea Talks, please sign up here
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