Wednesday, February 27, 2019 - 3:00pm to 3:30pm
Event Calendar Category
LIDS & Stats Tea
Speaker Name
Samuel Chevalier
Mechanical Engineering
Building and Room Number
LIDS Lounge
With the recent large-scale deployment of phasor measurement units (PMUs), power systems operators have noticed the persistent presence of low frequency forced oscillations. Due to their extraneous nature, locating the sources of these oscillations can be a nontrivial task. In this talk, Samuel will leverage an equivalent circuit representation of a power system in order to study how oscillations propagate in the network. Under this framework, a variety of tools can be borrowed from linear circuit theory.
Samuel Chevalier received the BS ('15) and MS ('16) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Vermont (UVM). He is currently a third-year candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Advised by Dr. Luca Daniel and Dr. Konstantin Turitsyn, Samuel is currently working on several problems related to electrical power grid stability, including methods for analyzing low frequency forced oscillations in power systems.