June 6, 2023
Congratulations to the LIDS class of 2023!
LIDS celebrated this year's graduating class at a lab-wide reception on May 31, 2023. Graduates included students from across MIT, including the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Biological Engineering, the Operations Research Center, and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society.
2022-2023 LIDS Graduates
SM + MEng recipients
Marcus Abate (SM)
William Chen (MEng)
Gauthier Guinet (SM)
Frances Hartwell (MEng)
Tiffany Huang (MEng)
Vindula Jayawardana (SM)
Nicholas Jones (SM)
Dominic Maggio (SM)
Sean Mann (MEng)
Youngjae Min (SM)
Quang Minh Nguyen (SM)
Lisa Peng (MEng)
Ao Qu (SM)
Chirag Rao (SM)
Haoyuan Sun (SM)
Anzo Teh (SM)
Jason Teno (SM)
Vicky Jiaqi Zhang (SM)
PhD recipients
Aviv Adler
Jason Altschuler
Xinzhe Fu
Sam Gilmour
Yuzhou Gu
Chin-Chia Hsu
Jason Liang
Muyuan Lin
Bai Liu
Xianglin (Flora) Meng
Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan
Antoni Vidal Rosinol
James Siderius
Yi (Alicia) Sun
Lei Xu
Yunzong Xu
Heng Yang
Karren Dai Yang
Tiancheng Yu
Chenyang Yuan