June 10, 2019
The School of Engineering has announced that 17 members of its faculty have been granted tenure by MIT, including LIDS Affiliate Member Saurabh Amin, and LIDS faculty member and alum, Sertac Karaman.
Saurabh Amin, in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, focuses on the design and implementation of network inspection and control algorithms for improving the resilience of large-scale critical infrastructures, such as transportation systems and water and energy distribution networks, against cyber-physical security attacks and natural events.
Sertac Karaman is the Class of 1948 Career Development Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Karaman studies robotics, control theory, and the application of probability theory, stochastic processes, and optimization for cyber-physical systems such as driverless cars and drones.
“The tenured faculty in this year’s cohort are a true inspiration,” said Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the School of Engineering. “They have shown exceptional dedication to research and teaching, and their innovative work has greatly advanced their fields.”
A complete list of 2019 tenured faculty from the MIT School of Engineering is available on MIT News.