News & Events


January 22, 2018

Location detection when GPS doesn’t work

With billions of GPS devices in use today, people are beginning to take it for granted that services on their handheld devices will be location-aware.

photo of Philippe Rigollet

January 21, 2018

From undisciplined to interdisciplinary

In 1996, when he was a high school senior in the small town of Cluny, in the Burgundy region of France, Philippe Rigollet applied to several of the two-year preparatory schools that most French students attend before moving on to university.

December 15, 2017

LIDS Director John Tsitsiklis Receives 2017 Saul Gass Expository Writing Award

  Congratulations to LIDS Director John Tsitsiklis, winner of the 2017 Saul Gass Expository Writing Award!

December 13, 2017

Prof. Jon How Named IEEE Fellow

