News & Events


July 30, 2014

LIDS alum Kush Varshney is the winner of the KDD “Best Social Good Paper”

LIDS alum Kush Varshney is the winner of the KDD “Best Social Good Paper”.

July 25, 2014

Collecting just the right data

Much artificial-intelligence research addresses the problem of making predictions based on large data sets. An obvious example is the recommendation engines at retail sites like Amazon and Netflix.

July 25, 2014

Collaborative learning -- for robots

Machine learning, in which computers learn new skills by looking for patterns in training data, is the basis of most recent advances in artificial intelligence, from voice-recognition systems to self-parking cars.

July 17, 2014

No-wait data centers

Big websites usually maintain their own “data centers,” banks of tens or even hundreds of thousands of servers, all passing data back and forth to field users’ requests.

Photo of Dimitri Bertsekas

June 25, 2014

Dimitri Bertsekas receives 2014 Richard Bellman Heritage Award

Dimitri Bertsekas has received the 2014 American Automatic Control Council Richard Bellman Heritage Award. From their website:

Photo of Sanjoy Mitter

June 24, 2014

Sanjoy Mitter receives IEEE Eric E. Sumner award

Sanjoy Mitter receives the 2015 IEEE Eric E. Sumner award with the citation: For contributions to the unification of communications and control.
