October 7, 2013
LIDS alum Jagdish Ramakrishnan was selected as a finalist for the INFORMS George B. Dantzig Dissertation Prize, for his thesis on "Dynamic Optimization of Fractionation Schedules in Radiation Therapy," co-supervised by Drs. Bortfeld and Craft (from MGH) and Tsitsiklis (from LIDS).
From the INFORMS website:
The George B. Dantzig Award is given for the best dissertation in any area of operations research and the management sciences that is innovative and relevant to practice. The criteria used by the Award committee include: Implementation, and relevance to practice; Technical quality and richness of solution approach; Creativity and novelty; Scope and magnitude; and Exposition.This award has been established to encourage academic research that combines theory and practice and stimulates greater interaction between doctoral students (and their advisors) and the world of practice. The award is given at the INFORMS National Meeting.All certificates read as follows (First and Second Prizes): for the best dissertation that is innovative and relevant to the practice of operations research and the management sciences.