Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 4:00pm
Event Calendar Category
EIMC2 Talks
Speaker Name
Rahman Khorramfar
Building and Room number
“Robust Power-Gas Infrastructure Planning under Supply and Demand Uncertainties”
Achieving economy-wide decarbonization via variable renewable energy (VRE) expansion and electrification of end-uses requires new approaches for energy infrastructure planning that consider, among other factors, weather-driven uncertainty in demand and VRE supply. A planning model that fails to account for these uncertainties can hinder the intended transition efforts and increase the risk of disruptions in energy supply, especially during extreme weather conditions. Here, we propose a distributional robust optimization (DRO) approach for the generation and transmission expansion problem (GTEP) of joint power-gas infrastructure and operations planning under the uncertainty of both demand and renewable supply. Aiming to construct a more realistic approach while avoiding significant computational burden, we embed the spatial correlation in both electric power and gas networks as part of the ambiguity set design. Furthermore, we consider the risk-awareness of the energy planners in the modeling framework via the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) metric.
Rahman Khorramfar is currently a postdoctoral associate at MIT Energy Initiative and LIDS, developing advanced optimization and machine learning tools for the design, planning, and operations of climate-resilient energy systems. He received PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from NC State University where he primarily worked on hierarchical decision-making and optimization under uncertainty and their applications in production planning, supply chain, and capacity expansion problems.
RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/1R9RBK8fSf
The newly formed Energy Systems & Infrastructures: Modeling, Computing and Control (EIMC2) LIDS research group comprises 10 LIDS subgroups working in this field unique to LIDS–modeling, control, and computing. EIMC2 is launching a biweekly seminar series. The seminars will be help in 45-500A on Tuesdays, 4-5pm.