July 17, 2020
We are proud to have LIDS faculty leading and participating in three of the five MIT-based projects funded by the C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute. Congratulations to Professors Saurabh Amin, Munther Dahleh, Patrick Jaillet, and Asu Ozdaglar!
July 15, 2020
Wouldn’t we all appreciate a little help around the house, especially if that help came in the form of a smart, adaptable, uncomplaining robot? Sure, there are the one-trick Roombas of the appliance world.
June 29, 2020
It is our great pleasure to share that LIDS professor Yury Polyanskiy received the IEEE Information Theory Society’s 2020 James L. Massey Award. The award recognizes outstanding achievement in research and teaching by young scholars in the Information Theory community.
June 24, 2020
A Lehigh University team, led by LIDS Visiting Scholar Alberto Lamadrid (Lehigh University) and with MIT LIDS co-PIs Principal Research Scientist Audun Botterud, Senior Research Scientist Marija Ilic, and Professor Patrick Jaillet, has been awarded $2.5 million by the U.S.