February 25, 2019
LIDS is delighted to share that Guy Bresler and Suvrit Sra (LIDS Faculty Members and Principal Investigators), and Tamara Broderick and Stefanie Jegelka (LIDS Affiliate Members) have been promoted to the rank of associate professor without tenure, and that LIDS Affiliate Member Hamsa Balakrishnan
February 11, 2019
The 24th Annual LIDS Student Conference was held in Stata Center, Room 32-141, at MIT/LIDS from January 31 – February 1, 2019.
December 5, 2018
We are pleased to share the news that Alan Willsky, the Edwin Sibley Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and former director of LIDS (2009-2014), has been selected by the IEEE Board of Directors to receive the 2019 IEEE Jack S.
November 19, 2018
LIDS is delighted to share that the 2018 INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize was
November 8, 2018
On November 2, 2018, the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems ran a one-day event titled “Control@MIT.” Organized by Prof.