August 7, 2013
While long lines repel some people, they intrigue MIT PhD student Kuang Xu: After all, maybe there’s a way to reduce such lengthy waits.
August 3, 2013
Sanjoy Mitter has been elected a Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in acknowledgement of his exceptional contributions to the fields of interest to IFAC. The citation reads:
August 1, 2013
LIDS alum (now assistant professor at Caltech) Venkat Chandrasekaran received the Young Researcher Prize in Continuous Optimization at the Fourth Mathematical Optimization Society International Conference on Continuous Optimizat
May 29, 2013
Reinforcement learning is a technique, common in computer science, in which a computer system learns how best to solve some problem through trial-and-error.
May 1, 2013
It’s often said that we live in an age of increased specialization: physicians who treat just one ailment, scholars who study just one period, network administrators who know just one operating system.
March 19, 2013
“Formal verification” is a set of methods for mathematically proving that a computer program does what it’s supposed to do.